Grade 4/5 split teacher from Cherrywood Acres Public School
“The kids really started to see how connected all of the species were.The kids seemed to enjoy the workshop! It was the right amount of time and the videos were interesting!”
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“The kids really started to see how connected all of the species were.The kids seemed to enjoy the workshop! It was the right amount of time and the videos were interesting!”
“It was great. My kids really enjoyed it and they can navigate through it. They were really engaged in the workshop.”
“iBiome-Ocean is dense with information and kids may be overwhelmed if they try to absorb too much in a single sitting, but like a good interactive e-book, this app invites many return visits in which enthusiastic young marine biologists continue to learn more about their favorite species. “
“iBiome-Ocean allowed my students to discover how food chains and webs work because they could manipulate them using what they read in their science textbooks. I have taught for 38 years, and this is one of the best products to teach ecology that I have used. It teaches students the phenomena of real-life food webs.”
“The iBiome games bring the science curriculum to life! Building food chains and observing changes in food chains as species are added to each dome really helped my students understand ecosystem interactions. While playing, the children often comment on loving the scientist, they marvel at pictures of the real-life organisms, and are proud of themselves […]
“This smartly designed environmental sim lets kids explore three wetland habitats. By drawing connections between different species and creating a web, kids learn about producers and consumers, and about predator/prey relationships.”
iBiome-Wetland is a beautifully designed and well-researched game that engages students quickly.
“See what happens when you add extra of one species to your biome. Students will see right away how species depend on one another and how easy it is for an ecosystem to get off-balance.”